
Hi! Welcome to my blog! I hope you get a chance to poke around and visit. Let me know if you have any questions/comments or if you have an idea for a post you’d like me to write. My name is Deb and I’m from New Hampshire. You’ll find me just about anywhere on the internet under debdebtig. I’ve been around the web for a while.

Have questions about depression, life with depression, technology (yup, I’m a tech geek through and through), or about my business please don’t hesitate to ask.  Stop by my contact page and drop me a note.

Also, be sure to read my disclaimer page so you truly understand the intent of this blog.

Thanks for visiting! Talk soon.

Yes, I am an Independent Le-vel Promoter. My blog is my personal opinion and experience. You are more than welcome to stop by my Le-vel site to find out more about the products. No specific products are discussed on my blog in order to keep it appropriate. Thank you for understanding.